If I never would have said yes to my dreams,
How many of my clients would have never said yes to theirs?
If I never would have taken inspired action and created my Mastermind,
How many of those women would still be spinning their wheels, feeling stuck in their lives and business?
If I never would have said yes to my needs,
Would I still be stuck in that toxic marriage? Would I even still be alive??
If I waited until everything was perfect,
Would I have built the business of my dreams that I am running now?
If I allowed my fear to stop me from the risks I’ve taken,
Would I have ever taken that first business trip to Cali where my soul came alive and everything changed?
If I never would have said yes, taken the risks, did things even though I was scared, listened to my heart, and put my all into taking inspired action….
Would you be reading this, right now?
Would you be inspired by this, right now?
As I think to my future, and all that I want to accomplish. The life I want to live with my family. The lives that I want to change. I also think to my past. And use all of those yes’s to fuel my next moves.
I encourage you to do the same <3